School Meals
Children in Nursery and Reception pre-order their food choices and children in Year 1 to Year 6 choose their meal when they arrive at the serving hatch. Our meals are provided by Chartwells.
Please see below for our current menu and themed menu days:
Children can choose to have either a packed lunch every day; a school meal every day; or a school meal just on a Friday (Fun Friday)
The Fun Friday option is where children can bring a packed lunch Monday to Thursday and have a school meal on a Friday. This is quite popular with the older children and fondly referred to as Fun Friday!!
Please let us know if your child changes from/to packed lunch to school dinners.
Increase in lunch prices from 1st April 2024: Lunches now cost £2.81 per day for school children (y3-Y6) and £3.37 per day for nursery children. Please click here for more information from Durham County Council.
Meals cannot be paid for using childcare vouchers.
School Meals are currently free for children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. However, if you think you qualify for free school meals under the current criteria , please contact the school office for an eligibility form.
If you have any questions, please contact the school office on 0191 3842249.